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This is a great game. good concept, Its a short and relaxing puzzle game. Nice work on this!


I like how right away you had to solve your first puzzle: Find a light source. Great game, interesting puzzles, fun to play. Nice work!


Really enjoyed playing this. Quite simple and just complex enough to be engaging but not frustrating. I also have a fairly short attention span so it was fun to play this to the end in a short sitting. Also it reminds me of Proteus :)

Hey! The game is very well made! Honestly it is crazy it was only made in 72 hrs

! I played it for my channel lol.

good game, played it in 20 minutes. had fun. sensitivity is extremely high for me, would recommend putting in a slider in a menu system, but it is a game jam game so it is defiantly passable for being made in 72 hours. 


This is a great game and compatible with controller.  However the sensitivity is very low and unadjustable.  Also, there is no sprint.

Overall I love this game and would love to see some updates.  It is challenging and incredibly fun.


Awesome! this is very impressive, especially considering how well it runs on WebGL, well done!

Creative puzzles and a creative aesthetic for such a low-poly game. Well done.

(1 edit)

I love to think the idea was based on the Myst series and how far you have come in just three days.

loved the similarities to Myst, wish it was much much longer, great little exploration game!!

Lots of nice ideas in this game, would love to see more of it !


Al aire libre

 ¡¡¡me encanta este juego!!! ¡Gano esto en cinco minutos!

es muy bueno !!!!!! Soy uruguayo y me encanta su juego jeje.

This game was amazing! Loved it, please make more. 

This needs to be longer though. It was great!


Awesome game! I was a bit confused in the beginning but then figured it out pretty easily (Except for the clouds to cross the river of lava :P) 


The side of the obelisk puzzle's platform is climbable:

This game was cool! i played this on a chromebook


(1 edit)

is this a good game?

I loved the game and I'm really impressed with the time you took to make it but maybe you could either add more challenges/maybe WYST 2

I think you managed to make your best game with "Wyst" so far - the puzzle design had a great "Myst" flair, some of the models were super lovely to look at (I really liked the button panel with the eyes and the flying ship) and I like the vibe of the whole world. :) Congratulations to that, I'm looking forward to new stuff of you! Happily I recommended this Ludum Dare 34 entry in one article on our blog and also uploaded a quick gameplay video. <3 Keep it up!

Best wishes,

I Made A Guide

Please Enjoy

Deleted 6 years ago
(2 edits) (+1)

What specific glitches did you encounter? I'd like to patch them out.

(1 edit)

1000000000 out of 5

This is a really cool little game dude.

awesome! no lag :D

This game is cool i will record it on my channel TheCanadianMunchie

Thanks. Please post a link when you upload!


Nice atmosphere!


Hey peeps,

I came across your little project earlier and have done a video/walkthrough. I can't actaully find a fault with it as it was done in 72 hours but I thought it was very well polished, loved the graphics and the audio. Definitely one of my favourite projectes I've played.

Good luck with all and future projects 



Hey, gave this game a playthrough on my channel. Left some criticism.  :)


Hey! nice job.

I passed a nice time walking around and sawing this beauty place.
Puzzles aren't sooo challenging, but i enjoyed them.
It was a cool experience, well done guys!

(4 edits) (+1)

SPOILERS: I completed the game, and had a lovely time (with my four year old on my knee, shouting "get the sparkly things, Daddy!") At one point, looking over the edge of the main island, I saw some land far below, with blocks on it spelling out "Hi!" I never got to go to this place. Can I? Are there other secrets?

Deleted post

I think this game is over-all interesting and has a quirky atmosphere to it. I have the odd feeling this may have some sort of story to it. Then again, its all up to interpretation.

Well done, sir. :3


Nice job! This was kewl : )


That game is great! Beautiful music, simple and catchy graphics and the puzzles are cool. I liked the game at all!

(5 edits) (+2)
Overall, this is a good build. though it could have stood for a longer loop of music if any.

Simple puzzles to be had, if youre looking for Myst level of puzzle solving this isnt the place to find it.

The rock puzzle should have had the rocks become solid as opposed to transparent.

However it does grab the atmosphere, and is worth a run if you think you'll like it based on the screen shots.

Let's Play Wyst

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Sorry but i dont like it because idk but the first thing is the music and also there is not sprint for to big place and sorry for my bad english

hope youre better at english now

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